Here are some signs to visit a dentist right away!

Usually, people only visit the dentist once or twice a year for teeth cleaning. Although these yearly visits help your dentist keep your teeth clean, it is a lot easier to treat oral issues when your dentist is familiar with your oral health history. In case of a dental emergency, you cannot and should not wait until that annual checkup. Immediate care is important to prevent infections, tooth loss and more.

Scroll down for several symptoms you should be on the lookout for. If you experience any of the below, visit your dentist as soon as possible. It could be nothing, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

Toothache or swelling

When the pain becomes unmanageable, a dentist can provide immediate tooth relief. Sharp tooth aches are often signs of a deeper problem which typically only gets worse when left untreated. Having problems chewing and drinking hot or cold water is often a sign that your toothache is severe.

Be careful as undiagnosed toothaches can turn dangerous in a short amount of time. You may be prescribed an antibiotic to treat the infection but a full treatment is necessary to prevent further pain.

Dental abscesses

A dental abscess, or tooth abscess, is a buildup of pus that forms inside the teeth or gums. The abscess typically comes from a bacterial infection, often one that has accumulated in the soft pulp of the tooth.

It is a very serious and painful infection which exhibits in symptoms like fever, pus and swollen glands. Abscessed tooth conditions should be taken seriously as they may become life-threatening if not treated immediately.

Bumps and sores

Most canker sores heal in a week especially of you keep the area around the sore as clean as possible. However, some patients can get severe sores and lesions that don’t heal or that recur often. If you have sores that are not healing after a week, or seem to be “spreading” see your dentist right away.

Loose or shifting teeth

Adults should not have any loose teeth. If you notice any slight movement or widening gaps, schedule a time to see your dentist. A wiggly tooth can indicate an injury or an infection. Moreover, you should look out for changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite or changes in the fit of partial dentures.

Consistent headaches

If you wake up in the morning with a headache or neck pain, or find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth throughout the day, you should see your dentist. This is usually a sign that there’s something more serious going on.

Bleeding gums

You may notice your gums bleeding after flossing. This can be an early warning sign of gum disease or gingivitis. You must visit your dentist for a proper diagnosis. If you’re experiencing pain, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. It’s important to catch gum disease as early as possible to ensure your teeth stay healthy and intact.
