Features, OPINION, RAMADAN, WELLNESS - March 16, 2024

Mindfulness During Ramadan: Keeping the Little Ones Engaged This Month


The Holy month of Ramadan is a perfect time for reflection and goal setting and while kids may or may not be observing the month fasting, everything seems to slow down just a little bit, and there is more time to work on certain mindful activities. While energy levels may plummet, there are plenty of low-key activities to keep the kids positively engaged with or without adult guidance, all the while taking care of their energy reserves.

Read on to find some examples of engaging activities for the kids during the month of Ramadan:

  • Gratitude Diary – Kids really enjoy writing and drawing among other crafts and they may want to keep a daily journal where they can write at least one thing/person they are grateful for and why. The younger kids may draw and colour to express their gratitude. At the end of Ramadan, caregivers can go through and discuss the diary with their children and maybe add on some of their own thankful thoughts.
  • Care Packages – Kids may like to put together care packages for individuals they feel deserve/are in need of staple items whether sanitary or food. They can enclose a drawing or simple notes of well wishes. The adult may help deliver these packages along with the child in order for them to actually see that others appreciate the little things in life and they were a part of helping someone else feel loved. This venture helps set the stage for future humble endeavours while cementing emotional and self awareness.
  • Meditation/Prayer – This is an important practice to help kids relax and recalibrate their big emotions and mental fluidity. Whether they practice with an adult to guide them or quietly on their own, it will aid in further gratitude and self reflection while decompressing from daily chaos and noise.
  • Colouring – A long-loved activity that can be done alone or in a group, colouring Mandalas or Ramadan pictures is sure to relax and destress the kiddos especially if accompanied by relaxing sounds of the waves or birds. This activity can be done in the kitchen in the company of a caregiver to discuss the picture being coloured or simply to engage in

thought-provoking conversations.

  • Dinner Preps – Kids are always keen to show their caregivers their helpful characteristics and love to take on age-appropriate responsibilities, so why not afford them this reward and ask them to help prepare dinner. Setting the table with handmade name cards, squeezing some lemons for dressings or stews, mixing a salad, adding chocolate chips to a dessert or simply asking cooking questions as a form of conversation with an adult are some simple and self satisfactory jobs that the littles can help with while learning certain useful techniques along the way.

Make sure that you use the time during the holy month to slow down and unwind from the daily routine of the hustle and bustle and engage the kids in meaningful and positive activities. The simpler the better for you both, and what memories you will make.

Written and contributed by Sarah Almawy, a certified Life Coach and founder of Conscious Coaching which specializes in tweens, teens and their caregivers.

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