The Narrator Of Never Have I Ever Is An Odd Choice — Here’s Why It Actually Works

When you hear that Netflix’s Never Have I Ever, a teen comedy from Mindy Kaling about an overachieving and very thirsty first generation Indian American girl, has a narrator, naturally, you assume it’s ’80s tennis legend John McEnroe. Oh, you don’t?

Well, don’t worry even John McEnroe thinks it’s a little weird that John McEnroe is the narrator of Never Have I Ever.

The thing is, seven-time Grand Slam singles title winner McEnroe is the MVP of the series. His narration becomes a helpful guide to the inner workings of Devi, played by newcomer Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, who is not your average teen despite having the romantic desires of one.

In many ways, McEnroe is Devi’s spirit animal as she tries to survive 10th grade. And for viewers of Never Have I Ever, McEnroe is the all-knowing narrator that helps explain just how Devi is getting through it all. It’s only fitting that in the season 1 finale it’s the tennis great that ends up being the key to her finally addressing her grief. Him and that booming voice of his.
