First Aid Guide

First aid is the delivery of prompt consideration and care to an unfortunate casualty with a physical injury or ailment, and is typically performed by an individual with restricted ability and knowledge. Normally, first aid is recurrently delivered until the wound or illness (minor cuts, bruises etc.) is acceptably managed. However, in the event of emergencies, primarily seeking professional assistance is encouraged, which could be achieved through dialing an emergency number (999) and asking for an ambulance.

Mishaps and wounds could present themselves anywhere and anytime. It is essential to have a well-stocked first aid kit or medical pack available in your house, so you could manage minor accidents and injuries, as well as respond effectively during a health related crisis.

The capacity to respond speedily to a medical emergency is crucial, therefore knowing how to evaluate and interpret a situation that could manifest as an emergency will assist you in realizing how to deal with it. Most importantly, you must consistently resist the urge to panic during a medical crisis. Fleeting or freezing in case of an emergency will exacerbate the situation, which could result in harm to yourself or the casualty.

Core Values for Emergency Treatment:

  • Prevent condition from worsening
  • Preserve life
  • Promote recovery

These three values oversee the purpose of a first-aid kit and administer all the measures that ought to be embraced by a first aider.

What Should My First Aid Kit Contain?

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Alcohol Swabs
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Assorted Band-Aids
  • Assorted Bandages
  • Gauze Pads
  • Adhesive Tape
  • Cold Pack
  • Antiseptic Wipes
  • Antibiotic Cream
  • Thermometer
  • Scissors  
  • Painkillers
  • Emergency Telephone Numbers

Bahrain Emergency Services System:

  • Dial ‘999’ for ambulance/emergency vehicle services
  • All 999 calls are free of cost
  • 999 is Emergency Services: Fire, Police and Ambulance
  • While dialing 999, you will be asked which service you require
  • Communicate accurate details of the accident or emergency, the number of casualties, any further threats and location
  • Do not disconnect the call until the control officer clears the line
  • Do not attempt to move the casualty unless absolutely necessary
