Careem Captainahs: A year ago, women started driving Careems

A year ago women started driving in the region as Careem Captainahs.

On the historic day that women begin driving in Saudi Arabia, Careem revealed their new fleet of female drivers.

The drivers – referred to as Captainahs – began working with Careem as part of the company’s ongoing mission to simplify and improve lives in the region. This service started in the three major cities (Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam) in the first phase to be expanded to include all cities within a short period.

Careem recognizes that up until now, the industry has largely ignored women and the potential they might have to earn an income through our platform. It’s been a wake-up call and we are now investing our time and focus into deep diving into this issue.

Careem has been organizing a Women’s Captain Committee to tackle their issues and better understand what barriers might exist for a woman wanting to come and drive for us, and to understand what it takes for us to provide a conducive environment for them to flourish.

Currently, around 70% of Careem’s passengers across the region are females, and Careem has been particularly beneficial for females who did not have safe and reliable transport before the introduction of the service in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and many more. Females in our region have referred to there being a time before, and a time after Careem, so great has the impact been in enabling women to move around without the need to be driven by a male family member.
