Ask HV Holistic: I want to lose weight with exercise but I have kyphosis…

I want to lose weight with exercise but, my chiropractor says I have kyphosis. How will this affect my progress, and is it still safe for me to workout?


Charlie Answers:

Kyphosis is an increased curve to the upper back, which can be caused by sitting at a desk, looking down at mobile phones, and other modern, lifestyle issues. Kyphosis is the result of the muscles in the chest and front of the neck becoming tight, and the muscles in the mid section of the back becoming long and weak. Exercising will actually help correct these issues, so you can lose weight, and work on reducing your kyphosis at the same time. Excellent news if, like most of us, you’re tight on time. It’s important to find a trainer that fully understands the limitations of having kyphosis, and there are many that don’t so chose wisely! Time should be spent stretching and mobilising, in every exercise session because these mobilisations will allow the body structure to gradually change and develop.


Top Tips

  • It’s better to do 10 minutes of stretching everyday, than an hour once a week.
  • Limit your overhead lifting until your posture has improved.
  • Combine exercise with continued chiropractic or osteopathic treatment.
  • Be aware of your posture during your daily activity, such as when you look at your phone.
  • Set up your desk ergonomically. Your trainer can help you with this.


Posture Perfect

Have your posture measured so that the extent of the kyphosis, and the improvements you make, can be tracked. Make sure that the exercise program you’ve been given is specifically tailored to you. Your trainer will need to know any pre-existing medical conditions, injuries and what you want to achieve in order to plan bespoke sessions for you.


Break the Mould

It’s important that you understand that you have to put in the work to correct your posture while you’re not being watched by your trainer! Bad habits can be hard to break but, giving yourself constant reminders can be really useful.


Contact Charlotte for a full posture assessment, and send your questions to or Instagram @hvholistic

Charlotte Anderson

Head Health and Wellness Practitioner

HV Holistic Health & Corrective Training

Tel: 17775544 or 39772100
