The 3 tribes of ex-pats you can’t avoid in Dubai

Dubai’s expats are just as unique (and funny) as the place itself. Sophie Robehmed have documented 20 cliques in her book; An Essential Guide to the Emirate’s Expats.


The Palm Posers


Introducing the Palm Posers, ladies and gentlemen: a supremely satisfied species, to put it politely. Guess it’s only natural that the luxury lifestyle afforded by artificial tree-shaped islanders will bring about this unbecoming behaviour in some of them.


The Lost Souls


Believe me, no other city re-homes the recently divorced, the newly single, the disillusioned, the quarter/mid/late-life crisis-stricken, like this city. Regardless of their inner turmoil, you can guarantee that the Lost Souls will be bigging up ‘the Dubai dream’ on all their social media accounts, even on LinkedIn.

The Brunch Brits


The Brunch Brits are split into two polar opposite sub-categories: the Over-indulgers and the Traditionalists. 

All the Over-indulgers care about is just how much food and bubbles they can get for as few dirhams as possible, every Friday without fail. 

The Traditionalists, on the other hand, most certainly do not brunch every week. Many, if not most, avoid it like the plague.

Only in Dubai: an Essential Guide to Emirate’s Expats (Turning Point Books) is available to buy online at
